Everything You Need to Know About Getting the Ferry from Saranda to Corfu
Bell | 27th August 23
Albania definitely had its moment this year and with reason. From beautiful, pristine beaches to historical, archeological sites to the kindest locals and best food – Albania has it all.
Saranda is one of the main coastal destination in Albania and probably the easiest to get to. Simply fly into Corfu airport and then get the ferry straight into Saranda city centre.
Corfu airport hosts a ton of budget airlines and Saranda itself is very budget-friendly, so the whole trip is ideal for anyone looking for a beach-getaway without the costs of Greece and Italy.
I even put together the ultimate, budget-friendly guide for Saranda – it’s a must-visit destination in the Mediterranean.

I did my Albania trip a little differently. I flew into Tirana airport and caught the bus to Vlore, where I volunteered with a local host through Worldpackers. From Vlore, I got another local bus to Saranda – you can read about the journey here. If you have time, I would definitely recommend checking out more of Albania and using the local bus system to your advantage – it goes between most major cities.
I spent about 5 days in Saranda and loved it. There are so many day tips and fun activities to do there. All the people I met were so friendly and up for exploring.
At the end of my time in Saranda, I caught the 6am ferry from Saranda ferry port to Corfu, to then fly from Corfu Airport.
The ferry terminal in Saranda is right by the city centre so super accessible. Then in Corfu, there is a direct bus from the ferry terminal to the airport – bus Line 15. The fare is only 1.20€ for an adult.
My ferry was on time but I did allow plenty of time for any cancellations or delays. The overall journey was pleasant and I got to see a beautiful sunrise over Saranda.

There are supposedly four ferry companies going from Saranda to Corfu, however, checking the Google Reviews for all of them, only two of them appear legit.
Ionian Seaways and Finikas Lines are the two big ones offering multiple journeys per day. They both have offices in Saranda, right near the ferry terminal, where you can ask anything about your journey. They are similar in price and even departure times.
Overall, Ionian Seaways is known for a slightly better experience, though all ferries are known for delays and cancellations. If you are going to Corfu to catch a flight, I would plan a 3-5 hour buffer in your travel time.
Ionian Seaways
Ionian Seaways changes their departures every few months, the most up to date timetable can be found here.

I’d highly recommend checking the ferry times before booking your flight because departures get less as the year continues. I took the 6am ferry for a flight at 12pm and everything went without a hitch, meaning I had about 3 hours at the airport. Also keep in mind that Corfu is one hour ahead of Saranda.
Ticket prices for Saranda to Corfu and Corfu to Saranda range from 22-25€ one-way for and adult and 13€ for a child. You get a 10% discount for booking online.

Finikas Lines
Finikas Lines up to date timetable can be found here. Below is the timetable until end of September:

Red departures are the high-speed hydrofoil which only takes 30 minutes. Departures for Saranda are in the SAR column for each day.
It’s notable to mention that Finikas lines also takes cars/motorbikes/etc. Prices can be found online:

Both ferry lines have a paragraph online that you need to print out your online booking, so if you want to be save, ask the ferry booking office or your accommodation to print the ticket.
That being said, if you forget (like I did), it is not the end of the world. I asked both the company and the operators in the ferry terminal and they said the online ticket was all they needed to see. I had no issue getting on with the pdf ticket.
The high-speed boats take 30 minutes, the normal ferries take 1-1.15 hours.
It does say to be at the terminal an hour before departure, which I would highly suggest for the mid-day ferries as the terminal gets busy. For the 6am ferry, the terminal doesn’t even open till 5.30 am so you don’t need to be there that early.
The high speed ferries cost 25€ one-way. The slow ferries cost 20-22€ one-way.
Taking a car costs 50€ all year round.
Getting from Saranda to Corfu or Corfu to Saranda is really simple, fast and affordable. Flying into Corfu is the easiest way to get to Saranda, Albania and visit one of Albania’s incredible beach destinations.
From delicious seafood to breathtaking day trips, this city has it all.
Hi, I'm Bell

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